发布日期: 2021-03-15 作者: 点击:[977]
序号 | 第一作者 | 论文题目 | 发表/出版时间 | 发表刊物 | 收录类别 |
1 | 田颖 | Automatic Recognition Method of Zooplankton Image in Dark Field | 2019-12-30 | REVISTA CIENTIFICA-FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS VETERINARIAS | SCI |
2 | 窦建明 | An unsupervised online monitoring method for tool wear using a sparse auto-encoder | 2019-12-21 | The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | SCI |
3 | 张晓琳 | The evaluation of microstructure characteristic and corrosion performance of laser-re-melted Fe-based amorphous coating deposited via plasma spraying | 2019-12-20 | Materials Express | SCI |
4 | 杨延璞 | Product Design Evaluation Method Using Consensus Measurement, Network Analysis, and AHP | 2019-12-19 | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | SCI |
5 | 丁凯 | Defining a digital twin-based cyber-physical production system for autonomous manufacturing in smart shop floors | 2019-12-18 | International Journal of Production Research | SCI |
6 | 杨宜坤 | Vision-based optimization of the generalized predictive active disturbance rejection controller | 2019-12-12 | J. Vis. Commun. Image R. | SCI |
7 | 张春国 | Modelling of fracture of spatial concrete structures under impulse loads | 2019-11-30 | Mechanics of Solids | SCI |
8 | 张新荣 | A Novel Robust Control of Uncertain Furuta Pendulum Based on a General Lyapunov Function | 2019-11-30 | Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control | SCI |
9 | 雷震 | Radiation Pattern Analysis of Reflector Antennas Using CAD Model-Based Physical Optics Method | 2019-11-07 | IEEE Access | SCI |
10 | 褚彦军 | Detection of sealed and unsealed cracks with complex backgrounds using I (A) deep convolutional neural network | 2019-11-01 | AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION | SCI |
11 | 张富强 | Defining a Digital Twin-based Cyber-Physical Production System for autonomous manufacturing in smart shop floors | 2019-10-18 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH | SCI |
12 | 丁凯 | Analyzing the cyber-physical system-based autonomous collaborations among smart manufacturing resources in a smart shop floor | 2019-09-28 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture | SCI |
13 | 吕景祥 | Life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of sanitary ware manufacturing: A case study in China | 2019-09-24 | Journal of Cleaner Production | SCI |
14 | 任娟 | A low noise capacitive MEMS accelerometer with anti-spring structure | 2019-09-01 | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL | SCI |
15 | 陈瑱贤 | Effects of interference assembly of a tibial insert on the tibiofemoral contact mechanics in total knee replacement | 2019-09-01 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine | SCI |
16 | 封硕 | Low-rank representation based robust face recognition by two-dimensional whitening reconstruction | 2019-08-27 | FRONT COMPUT SCI-CHI | SCI |
17 | 丁凯 | Service satisfaction evaluation of customer preference-driven public warehousing product service systems for small- and medium-sized enterprises in an industrial park | 2019-08-21 | IEEE Access | SCI |
18 | 刘清涛 | Multi-process routes based remanufacturability assessment and associated application on production decision | 2019-08-19 | Journal of Cleaner Production | SCI |
19 | 杨宜坤 | Cooperative media control parameter optimization of the integrated mixing and paving machine based on the fuzzy cuckoo search algorithm | 2019-08-12 | J. Vis. Commun. Image R. | SCI |
20 | 杨宜坤 | Cooperative Media Control Parameter Optimization of the Integrated Mixing and Paving Machine Based on the Fuzzy Cuckoo Search Algorithm | 2019-08-01 | Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation | SCI |
21 | 杨延璞 | Combining Users’ Cognition Noise with Interactive Genetic Algorithms and Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers for Product Color Design | 2019-08-01 | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience | SCI |
22 | 栾飞 | Optimizing the Low-Carbon Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Discrete Whale Optimization Algorithm | 2019-08-01 | Mathematics — Open Access Journal | SCI |
23 | 朱雅光 | Synchronization of Non-linear Oscillators for Neurobiologically Inspired Control on a Bionic Parallel Waist of Legged Robot | 2019-08-01 | Frontiers of Neurorobot | SCI |
24 | 张静 | Computational Wear Prediction for Impact of Kinematics Boundary Conditions on Wear of Total Knee Replacement Using Two Cross-Shear Models | 2019-07-30 | Journal of tribology | SCI |
25 | 张春国 | Effect of stop hole-induced material removal on fatigue properties of cracked DT4C steel | 2019-07-30 | Materiali in Tehnologije | SCI |
26 | 刘洪海 | Influence of the mixing time on the anti-freezing performance of chloride-based asphalt mixtures | 2019-07-20 | Construction and Building Materials | SCI |
27 | 封硕 | An RFID Data Matrices-Based Evaluation Method for Process Logistics State | 2019-07-11 | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | SCI |
28 | 耿麒 | Numerical study on the rock muck transfer process of TBM cutterhead with clump strategy based on discrete element method | 2019-07-01 | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology | SCI |
29 | 徐元博 | An enhanced multipoint optimal minimum entropy deconvolution approach for bearing fault detection of spur gearbox | 2019-06-15 | Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology | SCI |
30 | 丁凯 | Training a hidden Markov model-based knowledge model for autonomous manufacturing resource allocation in smart shop floors | 2019-06-07 | IEEE Access | SCI |
31 | 王琛 | Finite-time stability of an underactuated tethered satellite system | 2019-06-01 | ACTA ASTRONAUTICA | SCI |
32 | 刘清涛 | A service-oriented remanufacturing framework with recovery timing prediction based on remote condition monitoring | 2019-05-25 | IEEE Access | SCI |
33 | 郭万金 | A Robotic Deburring Methodology for Tool Path Planning and Process Parameter Control of a Five-Degree-of-Freedom Robot Manipulator | 2019-05-17 | Applied Sciences | SCI |
34 | 郭磊 | An Experimental Study on the Abrasive Machining Process of Electronic Substrate Material with A Novel Ultraviolet-Curable Resin Bond Diamond Lapping Plate | 2019-05-17 | IEEE Access | SCI |
35 | 张富强 | An improved firefly algorithm for collaborative manufacturing chain optimization problem | 2019-05-10 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B - Journal of Engineering Manufacture | SCI |
36 | 魏延 | Motion Planning for a Humanoid Mobile Manipulator System | 2019-05-09 | International Journal of Humanoid Robotics | SCI |
37 | 贾洁 | Dynamic characteristics modelling of the tamper asphalt mixture interaction application to predict asphalt mat density | 2019-05-04 | International journal of pavement engineering | SCI |
38 | 朱雅光 | SURF-BRISK–Based Image Infilling Method for Terrain Classification of a Legged Robot | 2019-04-30 | Applied Sciences | SCI |
39 | 陈一馨 | Research on Fatigue Strength for Weld Structure Details of Deck with U-rib and Diaphragm in Orthotropic Steel Bridge Deck | 2019-04-26 | matals | SCI |
40 | 蔡宗琰 | Improved Whale Algorithm for Solving the Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem | 2019-04-18 | Mathematics | SCI |
41 | 万一品 | Nonlinear dynamics of asphalt–screed interaction during compaction: Application to improving paving density | 2019-03-30 | Construction and Building Materials | SCI |
42 | 娄高翔 | Improved hybrid immune clonal selection genetic algorithm and its application in hybrid shop scheduling | 2019-03-26 | CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS | SCI |
43 | 蔡宗琰 | Improved hybrid immune clonal selection genetic algorithm and its application in hybrid shop scheduling | 2019-03-18 | CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS | SCI |
44 | 张小丽 | An assembly tightness detection method for bolt-jointed rotor with wavelet energy entropy | 2019-03-15 | Measurement | SCI |
45 | 王琛 | Modeling and Adaptive Control for Multirotor Subject to Thruster Dynamics | 2019-03-14 | IEEE ACCESS | SCI |
46 | 刘晓辉 | Effect of abrasive concentration on impact performance of abrasive water jet crushing concrete | 2019-03-06 | Shock and Vibration | SCI |
47 | 张力平 | A tuning method about individual cavity frequency drops in biperiodic coupled-cavity linear accelerators | 2019-03-05 | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS | SCI |
48 | 张春国 | Probabilistic prediction of strength and fracture toughness scatters for ceramics using normal distribution | 2019-03-02 | Materials | SCI |
49 | 曹蕾蕾 | Reliability estimation for drive axle of wheel loader under extreme small sample | 2019-03-01 | Advances in Mechanical Engineering | SCI |
50 | 刘晓辉 | Numerical research on wear mechanisms of conical cutters based on rock stress state | 2019-03-01 | Engineering Failure Analysis | SCI |
51 | 王海英 | Concrete Compression Test Data Estimation Based On a Wavelete Network Modell | 2019-02-16 | MATHMETICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING | SCI |
52 | 叶敏 | A Novel Dynamic Performance Analysis and Evaluation Model of Series-Parallel Connected Battery Pack for Electric Vehicles | 2019-02-08 | IEEE Access | SCI |
53 | 张青哲 | Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Soil Based on Fractional-Order Differential Theory | 2019-01-30 | Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering | SCI |
54 | 郭磊 | An Experimental Study on the Precision Abrasive Machining Process of Hard and Brittle Materials with Ultraviolet-Resin Bond Diamond Abrasive Tools | 2019-01-02 | Materials | SCI |